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Лучший способ предсказать будущее – это изобрести его.

Алан Кей


Если хочешь побеждать, удивляй! Какие инновации вдохнут в твою команду энтузиазм, изумят покупателей и шокируют конкурентов? Используй свои опыт и интуицию, чтобы выбрать правильный проект.

Вадим Котельников


Мне очень нравится одно высказывание Уэйна Гретцки: "Я оказываюсь там, где должна оказаться шайба, а не там, где она только что была." Именно такой стратегии мы и придерживаемся в Apple. С самого рождения компании. И всегда будем именно так и действовать.

Стив Джобс


Даже самые лучшие концепции стратегий обычно развиваются постепенно. Стратегии очень редко работают с первого раза или развиваются точно в соответствии с планом. В действительности,  начальная концепция или ее реализация обычно сильно меняется прежде чем стать готовой к широкому применению.

Эндрал Пирсон

Harvard Business School

The first test for any innovation portfolio is achieving the right balance between stretch and strategic fit. If you engage in hyperreactiveness thinking and continually react to the latest market or technological trend, rather than following a course until there is a significant reason to change, you’ll fail. The key to avoiding such short-term thinking is to maintain strategic alignment and test the assumptions that drive new products and service decisions as you make these choices.

Christopher Meyer

Center for Business Innovation, Cambridge

One of the things that is most important for a company is to be very clear about their strategy, so investors get to self-select as to whether or not that's the right strategy for them. I think we've done a very good job about being clear that we're a long-term focused company.

Jeff Bezos


Jump to the next curve.

Guy Kawasaki


We don’t have a traditional strategy process, planning process like you’d find in traditional technical companies. It allows Google to innovate very, very quickly, which I think is a real strength of the company.

Google's 9 Notions of Innovation

Eric Schmidt


Look wider. Don't focus too much on your competition – spend as much time learn from noncompetitive industries as well. Knowing the state of the art or the soon-to-be state of the art in one industry can give you a jump in your chosen field.

Tom Kelley


It's through curiosity and looking at opportunities in new ways that we've always mapped our path at Dell. There's always an opportunity to make a difference.

Michael Dell

Dell Inc.

Mapping innovation activity gives you a sense of the terrain – the peaks and valleys in investments and actions.

Larry Keeley


Employing people with diverse skills and talents helps us challenge the status quo when developing business strategies.

Hal Tovin

Citizens Financial Group

We, we – as I say, we go in and shake up other industries and I think, you know, we do it differently and I think that industries are not quite the same as a result of Virgin attacking the market.

Richard Branson

Virgin Group



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