Принятие на работу творческих людей различной специализации, которые подвергают сомнению устои

Main source of information: The Innovative Enterprise, Harvard Business Review


Hiring Outsiders To Encourage Innovation

"The most important step I've taken to encourage innovation is to hire people who have experience outside of banking – creative people who can apply what they've learned in dynamic, customer-centric categories to our more traditional business," says Hal Tovin, a top manager of Citizens Financial Group.


For example, Citizens Financial Group have put full service branches into grocery stores. the group's in-store banking business is run by a person with a sales and marketing background. The ATM business is run by someone who used to be in real estate. Hal Tovin himself is a classically trained marketer of packaged goods.

"Employing people with diverse skills and talents helps us challenge the status quo when developing business strategies," continues Hal Tovin. ""Большинство банков, например, смотрят на внутримагазинные банковские услуги как на способ обслуживания существующих клиентов. Мы взглянули на это совсем по-другому. Мы начали использовать свои внутримагазинные точки для завоевания новых покупателей. We hire people from retail stores like the Gap, Marcy's, and Starbucks and screen them for what we call BVAC characteristics: bright, verbal, assertive, creative. The staff go into the grocery aisles wearing their Citizens aprons, pushing their Citizens grocery charts with promotional offers, and getting into friendly conversation. Their objective is to develop relationships with store customers. Then when shoppers have banking needs, they'll find a familiar face at the bank. В результате мы создали внутри магазинов банк с многомиллиардным оборотом."

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