Ideas come from everywhere.
We have this great internal list where people post new ideas
and everyone can go on and see them. It's like a voting pool
where you can say how good or bad you think an idea is.
Those comments lead to new ideas.
Share whatever you can.
People are blown away by the information you can get on
MOMA, our intranet. Because there is so much information
shared across the company, employees have insight into
what's happening with the business and what's important.
You're brilliant, we're hiring.
That's how we're going to stay innovative. We're going to
continue to attract entrepreneurs who say, 'I found an idea,
and I can go to Google and have a demo in a month and be
launched in six.‘
A license to pursue
Since around 2000, we let engineers spend 20% of their time
working on whatever they want, and we trust that they'll
build interesting things.
Инновации, а не мгновенное совершенство.
Стиль Google
заключается в том, чтобы
выйти на рынок на ранней стадии разработки продукта в
Google Labs, а затем непрерывно улучшать,
узнавая о том, чего хочет рынок, и создавая все более
великолепную ценность для потребителей. Красота
экспериментов в том, что они не дают
тебе удалиться слишком далеко от истинных потребностей
рынка. Ранок все время возвращает тебя нужную колею.
Focus on data, not politics.
Run a 1% test [on 1% of the audience] and whichever design
does best against the user-happiness metrics over a two-week
period is the one we launch. We have a very academic
environment where we're looking at data all the time.
Creativity loves restraint.
Engineers love to think their way out of that little box:
'We know you said it was impossible, but we're going to do
this, this, and that to get us there.’
Worry about usage and users, not money.
If we focus on the users, the money will come. In a truly
virtual business, if you're successful, you'll be working at
something that's so necessary people will pay for it. Or
you'll have so many users that advertisers will pay to
sponsor the site.
Don't kill projects. Morph them.
Any project that is good enough to make it to Labs probably
has a kernel of something interesting in there somewhere,
even if the market doesn't respond to it. It's our job to
take the product and morph it into something that the market
More about Google's Nine Notions of Innovation
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