Quotes >>> Innovation Leaders


Richard Branson Quotes


We’ve got a shot at really pulling together to turn upside down the way we approach the challenges we are facing in the world and look at them in a brand new entrepreneurial way. Never has there been a more exciting time for all of us to explore this great next frontier where the boundaries between work and purpose are merging into one, where doing good, really is good for business.






Be Different and Make a Difference... More

  • You have everything you need to build something far bigger than yourself.

  • Heretics are engaged, passionate, and more powerful and happier than everyone else. And they have a tribe that they support (and that supports them in return.)

  • The good news is that more than ever, value accrues to those that show up, those that make a difference, those that do work that matters.

  • Don’t try to be the ‘next’. Instead, try to be the other, the changer, the new.

  • Go ahead, do something impossible.

  • Do you believe in what you do? Every day? It turns out that belief happens to be a brilliant strategy.

Do What Your Love To Do... More

  • Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, you ought to set up a life you don’t need to escape from.

  • If there was ever a moment to follow your passion and do work that matters, this is it.

  • If you’re not proud of where you work, go work somewhere else.

Leadership... More
Having a personality of caring about people is important. You can’t be a good leader unless you generally like people. That is how you bring out the best in them.



Ideation and Idea Management... More

  • You can’t have good ideas unless you’re willing to generate a lot of bad ones.

  • Are you a serial idea-starting person? The goal is to be an idea-shipping person.

  • Ideas in secret die. They need light and air or they starve to death.

  • Big ideas are little ideas that no-one killed too soon.

  • There’s no correlation between how good your idea is and how likely your organization will be to embrace it.

  • Give up control and give it away, ... The more you give your idea away, the more your company is going to be worth.

  • Ideas aren’t a sideshow that make our factory a little more valuable. Our factory is a sideshow that makes our ideas a little more valuable!.

Innovation... More

  • No organization ever created an innovation. People innovate, not companies.

  • Excellence isn’t about meeting the spec, it’s about setting the spec. It defines what the consumer sees as quality right this minute, and tomorrow, if you’re good, you’ll reset that expectation again.

  • Market-driven design builds the success of the product’s marketing into the product itself.

Creative Marketing... More

  • Perhaps marketing is about to transition to a new kind of profession, one that requires insight, dedication and smarts.

  • If you’re a marketer who doesn’t know how to invent, design, influence, adapt, and ultimately discard products, then you’re no longer a marketer. You’re deadwood.

  • Most organizations spend their time marketing to the crowd. Smart organizations assemble the tribe.

  • Once you’ve managed to create something truly remarkable, the challenge is to do two things simultaneously.

    • Milk the Cow for everything its worth. Figure out how to extend it and profit from it for as long as possible.

    • Create an environment where you are likely to invent a new Purple Cow in time to replace the first one when its benefits inevitably trail off.