Цитата |
Автор |
Компания |
Менеджеры добиваются успеха,
следуя правилам.
Инноваторы добиваются
успеха, разрушая правила.
Будь не таким, как все, и изменяй мир! |
Котельников |
Инноварситет |
Innovation is the lifeblood of an organization. Knowing
how to lead and work with creative people requires knowledge and
action that often goes against the typical organizational structure.
Protect unusual people from
bureaucracy and legalism typical of organizations. |
Max DePree |
Herman Miller |
Always hire people who are
smarter than you. |
Luciano Malani |
Люди, делающие работу, –
основная движущая сила компании.
Моя задача – расчистить для них
пространство, The
people who are doing the work
are the moving force behind the
Macintosh. My job is to create a
space for them, to clear out the
rest of the organization and
keep it at bay. |
Стив Джобс |
Apple |
Giving people
self-confidence is by far the most important thing that I can
do. Because then they will act. |
Jack Welch |
GE |
Innovation leaders aren't
idea-driven people (though
obviously many are). But they
welcome change because
they're convinced that their
competitive survival depends
on innovation. |
Andrall Pearson |
Harvard Business School |
I like my job because it involves
learning. I like being around smart people who are trying to
figure out new things. I like the fact that if people really try
they can figure out how to invent things that actually have an
impact. |
Bill Gates |
Microsoft |
To foster sustainable innovation, today’s
leaders must take a
proactive role in crafting an
organizational culture
that supports the kinds of behaviors that help achieve their long-term
innovation objectives. Three specific strategies can be used for
creating a culture of innovation:
Envisioning, Communicating and Sponsoring. |
Kaplan |
InnovationPoint |
consider my ability to arouse
enthusiasm among men the
greatest asset I possess. The
way to develop the best that is
in a man is by appreciation and
encouragement. |
Charles Schwab |
Schwab |
is important for an
entrepreneurial manager to
become associated with at least
one accountant, especially if he
or she is the one who assembles
the budget and reports your
number progress. |
Pinchot III |
Pinchot & Co |
great leader's courage to
fulfill his vision comes from
passion, not position. |
John Maxwell |
John Maxwell Co. |
is a place where there is
tremendous energy and enthusiasm
because of the leadership. |
Murthy |
Infosys |
Hope without a strategy doesn’t
generate leadership. Leadership
comes when your hope and your
optimism are matched with a
concrete vision of the future
and a way to get there. People
won’t follow you if they don’t
believe you can get to where you
say you’re going. |
Seth Godin |
Squidoo |