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Innovation Team
Bill Gates
→ Great Innovator: 8 Winning Habits
Ability to grasp new knowledge very fast
Ability to pose acute questions instantaneously
Perception of connections between different areas of knowledge
At-a-glance "linguistic" ability to interpret software code
Obsessive concern with the problem on hand, even when away from work
Great powers of concentration
Photographic recall of their work
→ Uncreative Person: 10 Lack-Ofs
→ Entrepreneurial Creativity: 4 Pillars
If you want a team of smart, → creative people to → do extraordinary things, don’t put them in a drab, ordinary space.
Tom Kelley
Intelligent people need a fool to lead them. It's easier to win if you have people seeing things from different perspectives.
Jack Ma
From the same bunch of the keys to Innovation Success 360